The NEW Local 1 WA/AK

*A version of this was sent via USPS mail
Message from the President:
Greetings from the new BAC Local 1 of Washington and Alaska. My name is Matthew Bilyeu, I have been a member for 15 years working with many of you in the field. It is a privilege to lead this Local Union as we begin a new chapter in the history of BAC for Western Washington and Alaska.
An order from The International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers’ Executive Board was received and copies in its entirety are available at the Union Hall. The order instructs the dissolution of the ADC and the creation of two Mega Locals which includes Local 1 Washington and Alaska. Your officers making up the Management Committee are as follows: Matthew Bilyeu (President and Committee Chair), Jesse Sanden (Secretary Treasurer), Christopher Ellis (Vice Chair), Norman Sleeper (Vice Chair), and Cory Evons (Vice Chair).
I would now like to address some common questions that you may have in regards to the creation of Local 1 Washington and Alaska:
- Q: What is the Jurisdiction of the new Local?
- A: Local #1 WA/AK is made up of the state of Alaska and 15 counties in Washington State (King, Clallam, Kitsap, Snohomish, Jefferson, Island, Skagit, Whatcom, San Juan, Pierce, Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Grays Harbor, North half of Pacific County)
- Q: Does this affect my health insurance?
- A: No, this change has no effect on the funds or administration thereof. If you haven’t done so yet, please download the NWA Mobile app as the easiest way to check on claim status, download forms and documents, and get your questions answered. Find it at
- Q: Does this affect my pension?
- A: No, this change has no effect on the funds or administration thereof. The BAC Local 1 pension fund continues to grow and has a positive trend trajectory.
- Q: Where do I pay my dues?
- A: For those who mail your dues payments, the address is the same with the checks now being made out to BAC Local #1 WA/AK. For most of you paying through Qualstar, nothing changes.
- Q: Who do I contact if I am out of work?
- A: For Tile/Marble/Terrazzo please contact Chris Ellis. For Brick and PCC north of Seattle please contact Norman Sleeper. For PCC and Brick Seattle/Bellevue and south please contact either Jesse Sanden or Matthew Bilyeu. For all work in the state of Alaska please contact Matthew Bilyeu. Apprentices should still contact the training center, and we still have the out of work form on our website if after hours or a representative can’t be reached.
- Q: What about the Tukwila building?
- A: The building in Tukwila, WA is now an asset of Local 1 WA/AK and will continue to be the base of operations and membership meetings.
- Q: What about membership meetings?
- A: We will still be holding monthly meetings the second Thursday of each month in Tukwila at 5:30pm except for in the months of February and September in which there will be a general meeting held on a Saturday. Knowing that many of you come straight from work, meetings will now have food and non-alcoholic beverages. Alaska meetings are still to be determined.
- Q: As a member in Alaska with different Agreements, Funds, and Meetings, how does this change my situation?
- A: We are planning to have a meeting held in Alaska soon where we will be able to answer questions and we welcome your feedback on how we will be able to strengthen the area for BAC members. Please be looking for a mailing in the near future with a meeting date and time.